Indie Music Women’s Featured Artist of the Day is…
La Roboka (@la_roboka)
La Roboka came into existence when Lady K, a classic soprano singer, and Robulus, a film composer, wanted to mix certain styles they liked into songs. Lady K has an ongoing history on opera stages, and Robulus not only composes film music but is also working as a director. They knew each other for a long time until they saw their potential during a film production they both worked on.
With La Roboka they share their common interest in exciting, danceable, captivating music and putting on an extra layer of theatrics. They jump between genres and give you an emotional anthem to sing along and then surprise you with an ecstatic danceable electro-pop tune. They released their first single, Bipolar, from their debut EP, Maskalicious in 2019. The first video Misophonic was released in May 2019, followed by the single, Klagelied Einer Enttauschten in September. They have released their next single, Incel Boy, followed by the single, Enjoy the Silence in March 2020.
Lady K shared with me what it means to her personally to be an indie music woman artist:
“La Roboka is a mix of music and theatre. This business is a difficult and delicate one, especially for women. In order to touch the heart of the audience, you need to create a friendly work-environment behind the scenes. Being kind and open makes it easier to create the best performance as possible. But I had situations where some men misunderstood this friendliness and thought this would lead to something more. So I set boundaries. That way I earned a lot of respect while the good working-atmosphere was not destroyed.”
You can hear La Roboka’s single, “Enjoy the Silence” on the Indie Music Women Spotify Playlist. LINK IN BIO.