Indie Music Women’s Artist of the Day is…
Amy Barbera (@amybarberamusic)
In June of 2008, Amy released her 13 song debut album “Beautiful Flower of Life” with raving reviews from thousands around the world. In October of 2015, she released my second full album, a healing meditation CD titled “Breath of Angels.” My heavenly “Breath of Angels” healing meditation CD consists of 10 beautifully composed songs that will bring you to a place in God’s rest and will touch your heart, soul & spirit with God’s peace, love, comfort, and healing. I decided to do a healing meditation album to bring comfort, healing, rest & peace to those who are feeling the stresses of life or who just need some calming music to relax with.
Amy shared with me what it means to her personally to be an indie music woman artist:
“I am honored and so thankful to God to be an indie woman in music who is an inspirational singer-songwriter with a passion to make a difference with the gift God has given me! I am so thankful to be able to use my platform to inspire and bring hope to others through my original songs and voice and at the same time have the freedom to be as creative as I want and even more important creating from a deep place in my heart. I am always encouraging others to be original, to follow your heart rather than following trends. God created us all unique and as originals so why not just be you all the way and shine! I never follow musical fads or trends… I follow my heart with passion and choose to create songs that God has inspired me to write, that I know will uplift others.
You can hear Amy’s single, “Make Me A Butterfly” on the Indie Music Women’s Spotify playlist.