Indie Music Women’s Featured Artist of the Day is…
Emma Dark (@itsybitsy_me)
Emma Dark is an alternative rock singer-songwriter from the United States, writing songs inspired by her favorite children’s poem, “The Spider and the Fly.”
At 13, she joined a group guitar class, where she discovered her ear for melody and writing vocal lines with her first 3 chords. After difficulty fitting into groups, she began writing music alone in her bedroom to heal from painful experiences. In a few short years, she recorded over 30 songs on her phone.
She joined a music class for collaboration at the local community college. There, she became the only female rock artist. Before she was able to perform or record in the school’s studio, Covid struck a month into class. Back at home, she resorted to passing tracks back and forth online with a talented lead guitarist from class, Dillon Brown. He agreed to lend his influence and melodic solos to future songs.
During the pandemic, she set up a portable recording booth in the living room, designed by her dad. “Dinner Time,” became the first of a series of songs produced all at home for a concept album with complex characters based on the poem. Her second song, “Be Still,” coming 3.12.21, is gritty, dark, and about feeling trapped while needing to remain calm.
Emma Dark is looking forward to releasing a 3rd song, “The Spider and the Fly,” in April and performing the new music in her first live virtual concert with her band, “Dark,” as soon as it is safe to do so. You can follow her on Instagram @itsybitsy_me for more information.
Emma shared what it means to her personally to be an indie music woman artist:
“As a homeschooler, trying to fit in, it was always about who you knew. I experienced being told I couldn’t participate in groups. When I learned to play guitar, I could create my own unique content and melodies to sing. I no longer needed to worry about being included or pretending to be what others needed me to be. I’ve found my voice as an Indie artist, writing about fear and control.”