Indie Music Women’s Featured Artist of the Day is…
ANISHA (@anisha_aod)
Indie-pop and soul, ANISHA is a classical pianist, self-taught guitarist, and poet. When she moved back home to India, 5 years ago, she combined her love for poetry with music. Soon she was collaborating with reputable artists in the city and performing at major venues across the capital such as The Piano Man Jazz Club, Speakeasy Cocktail and Dreams, and Depot 29.
Her music video was premiered by Rolling Stone India and ScoopWhoop has recognized her as one of the top indie musicians to listen to. When it comes to her songs, ANISHA, in her quintessentially quirky way, describes how she makes peace with herself and with people in her life.
Her songs are conversational. Provoking most of all, the internal dialogue. A songwriter, composer, and singer, ANISHA has released her debut singles STAND THERE WITH YOU and YOU DON’T KNOW. In 2020, she will be releasing her self-titled album consisting of 12 tracks.
ANISHA shared what it means to her to be an indie music woman artist:
“As a woman in the music scene in New Delhi, India, one of the most male-dominated countries in the world, I feel proud to share my art and my artistry as a tale on perseverance and authenticity.”