Indie Music Women’s Featured Artist of the Day is…
Savoir Faire (@savoirfairemusic)
Savoir Faire is the musical project of Boston based singer/songwriter and guitarist Sarah Fard. Trained in jazz guitar but inspired by rock and roll, Savoir Faire fuses genres in what has been described as “A sort of rock- and ’60s-lounge-inflected jazz” (Victor Infante). With a unique vibrato, often paired with a warm guitar tone, her vocals can recall the crooners of decades past- if crooners employed searing guitar riffs and biting lyrics in their work.
Savoir Faire’s most recent releases are Creature of Habit, originally a work created for the Acoustic Guitar Project, and 1945. Both were recorded at BearTone Studios in Boston. Savoir Faire also works extensively to create a more inclusive music scene. She is a music educator at a local high school, also working nights and weekends to promote inclusivity of people with disabilities in the music scene through Berklee School of Music.
Aside from performing her original work, Savoir Faire has recently started performing tribute shows to female artists that she feels are overlooked in rock and roll history. In addition to her own performing, Savoir Faire also started a concert series, A Guitarist Is, to highlight the diversity of guitarists in the area. The series aims to dismantle the gendered and whitewashed stereotypes on guitar players that remain intact today (though, they are improving!) and coincides with a monthly playlist on Spotify.
Savoir Faire was most recently named one of the top 10 shredders from the She Shreds #1riffaday challenge in January.
Sarah shared with me what it means to her personally to be an indie music woman:
“An indie music woman artist creates and promotes her work independently. She is not signed. She may not be the artist that is getting hyped by those in her community, but she continues to make her art because it’s part of who she is. Furthermore, she uses her art to help lift others up, promoting inclusion and working to create bills with other female artists. Lastly, indie music woman artists have something to say with their music!”
You can hear Savoir Faire’s single “Creature of Habit” on IMW’s Spotify Playlist.