Indie Music Women’s Featured Artist of the Day is..
Parker Woodland (@parkerwoodlandband)
Parker Woodland is a female-fronted indie rock band from Austin TX. We released our debut EP, The World’s On Fire (and We Still Fall In Love) on February 5th, 2021, a four-song collection that pulses with life-affirming energy, fuzzy riffs, and catchy, sing-along vocals while exploring the paradox of finding love, joy, and purpose within a crumbling social framework. At the center of the band is expressive female songwriter/vocalist/bassist Erin Walter, justice activist and longtime leader in the Girls Rock Camp scene, alongside Dan McMonigle on guitar and Ralph Cutler on drums. Parker Woodland is currently in the midst of a unique 60-city virtual tour (including progressive churches, a peace benefit with Willie Nelson, a women’s conference, and get-out-the-vote events) helping to foster community in hard times while also promoting the new EP. (Bio courtesy of the band)
Erin shared with me what it means to her personally to be an indie music woman artist: