Singer-songwriter Heather Evans had a phenomenally successful 2019. She started the year with a “laser focus plan” in completing her 12 songs in 12 months project. In addition, she had 4 songs licensed to TV shows, had her music featured on by CNN, MTV, FOX, NBC, FREEFORM and more, garnered thousands of Spotify streams, wrote the theme song for the California Governor’s podcast, and won a SAMMIE (Sacramento Music Awards) in the Singer/Songwriter category.
The Sacramento based artist came to California by way of Columbus, Ohio. In her four-year West Coast tenure, Heather founded the Sacramento Songwriter Circle, an “In the Round” style music showcase and community.
Last year, Heather hosted her first online class for singer-songwriters looking to get into TV and Film, called Intro to Songwriting for TV and FILM. She has plans to continue offering classes this year, and dates will be announced on her social media.
Currently, she is working on releasing a physical CD of her 12 songs in 12 months project, as well as writing Indie/Alternative/Pop songs that will have a darker, more cinematic feel.
I interviewed Heather in-depth via email about her single releases, music licensing, the “Made in California’ Governor’s podcast, how she balances family and her music career, what her biggest challenge is, her songwriting and production processes, and much more.
Congratulations on an awesome 2019! You’ve had a lot of success with your latest release, The Best That We Have, hitting over 7, 800 streams and 5,400 for your prior release, By My Side. What did you learn from getting that many?
Thank you so much! Yes! Honestly, I owe all of my Spotify success to my really good buddy Jason Turner (AKA Don Drapery who co-wrote Best That We Have with me) who gave me his coveted master list of Playlist Curators to contact. He had a ton of success with sending The Best That We Have to all of those curators so I tried it again with By My Side and it worked! I emailed at least 20-30 Playlist Curators and I learned it’s a ton of work, but majorly pays off. I also learned that having good music friends that aren’t afraid to share things with you is amazing!
Take me through your strategy for achieving that many streams for both singles. If you didn’t have a strategy, how did you accomplish this?
Like I said, contacting Playlist Curators personally is really great. It takes a TON of research and I had a master Curator List that anytime I find new Curators I put them on the Excel spreadsheet. There are also Playlist Pitching companies that can be helpful with this, BUT it’s at a pretty big price. Some charge $250 to pitch your songs without guaranteed placements. I try to go about things the DIY way and it’s way cheaper, but lots of work.
You accomplished your project last year called 12 songs in 12 months Project and most of the songs are now out on major streaming platforms. What do you attribute your success to accomplishing this?
HAVING A PLAN WITH LASER FOCUS. Hahahaha!! I wanted to make a collection of songs that I could market for TV shows and ads. I’d had some success with having songs on MTV’s Laguna Beach and more recently So You Think You Can Dance and wanted to dive more seriously into the “Music Licensing” world.
So, I came up with the 12 Songs 12 Months Project. I wrote and professionally recorded 1 song a month and here’s how it broke down. I would record the demo of my song in my Home Studio, send the tracks through Dropbox to my producer Adam Agin in Nashville with some reference tracks and a clear vision of what I wanted the song to sound like. Adam would build the song with the rest of the instruments, based on the reference tracks I sent and his creative skills. He’d send me a full version to sing on, I’d sing all of my vocal takes and send it back to him through Dropbox. He’d Comp all of my vocal takes and find the best ones and finish the song. Then we’d send the finished song to Paul Kimsal for Mixing and Mastering!!! PHEW!
In that time, I’d be working on getting all of the photoshoots and video shoots for promotions done and make a “Social Media Release Schedule”. Then, when I got the final Mix and Master back, I uploaded it to CD Baby and they’d send it to all of the Music Distributors like Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, Amazon and more! Once I’d finish one song, I’d be on to the next demo and be rolling again. Honestly, IT WAS A LOT to take on all by myself but I’m proud I achieved my goal!!
Explain your songwriting process.
It’s like lightning. I never know when it’s going to strike but when it does, it’s powerful and I have to stop what I’m doing and sing into my phone or write a lyric down. It usually starts with that initial lightning bolt idea and I build off of it later. I like writing around concepts and themes. It helps me keep things cohesive and have a clear, distinct message. Melodies have always been super easy for me to come up with too. I can usually start and finish a song in 15-20 minutes! It’s crazy! I’ve found recently it helps to switch instruments to stay creative. I was feeling uninspired writing on the guitar, so I switched to piano and the songs are just flowing out again! I wrote 3 song concepts in one day by doing that.
How did it feel to win an SN&R SAMMIES (Sacramento Music Awards) for singer-songwriter?
It was super humbling and cool. I think that it validated all I was doing and going after as a songwriter and it encouraged me to keep going, to reach higher and dream bigger! Plus, the Sacramento News and Review folks are amazing and super supportive of local music so it meant a ton to be a part of something like that.
Tell us how you got 4 of your songs licensed for television shows. What did you learn from this experience?
When I was super young (17!) I was a part of an A&R Company called Taxi Music and they act as a middle man that connects you with Music Supervisors that add the music on TV Shows. The Music Supervisor on MTV’s Laguna Beach loved my music and had 2 of my songs on his show. Then, another Music Supervisor placed 3 of my songs on The N’s South of Nowhere!
Unfortunately, when I got married and had kids, I lost touch with the Music Licensing world. I went through some tough stuff too. I had a miscarriage in 2008. Then I had life-threatening pregnancies and deliveries and almost died 2 times during pregnancy and had Congestive heart and lung failure after delivery. My body was in major shock and took YEARS to feel better again. I was writing a ton of music in that time but didn’t have the drive or energy to do anything with it. Depression swallowed me up for a while, but I wrote 2 CDs called Out of the Woods and Songs for Healing and it helped me work through all the trauma I’d gone through.
It wasn’t until 13 or so years later that I had the idea to reach out to Music Licensing Agents after releasing my 3 song EP, “The Life EP” to see if I could get some TV Placements again. I reached out to 100’s of companies and only heard back from 1. That one company got my song 20 Years From Now on So You Think You Can Dance, Disney’s Fairytale Weddings and 2 songs on Dancing With the Stars Jr!!!
I learned that even years later, hard work pays off. I’ve been working hard after that one goal for the last year and a half and I’m starting to see breakthrough after breakthrough. It doesn’t come easy. You may only hear from one person, but they could be the right person!
You wrote a song for the Governor’s ‘Made in California’ Podcast. How did you get this opportunity?
That is a crazy story! I was playing a SoFar Sacramento show and someone from the Governor’s Office was in the audience. I was sharing about how I was writing songs for TV shows and she approached me after the show. She asked if I’d be able to write a theme song for the new Made in California Podcast for the Governor’s office and before I heard any details I said an ENTHUSIASTIC “YES!”. Later I found out they needed the completed song BY FRIDAY and it was a Monday. It was also the busiest week of my life. I had the SAMMIES Awards Reception, I was playing a 5,000+ crowd show at Concerts in the Park, had a news interview and just life happening! I ended up writing the song in the car in its entirety on the way to the SAMMIES Awards Reception by singing it into my phone. I went home later and figured out the chords on my guitar and recorded it to send to my producer Jeffrey Kunde! He added all the music and we sent it to mixing and mastering and got it to them IN TIME! It was the craziest turn around I’ve ever had to do on a song just because of everything else going on but it was a blast and turned out perfect for the podcast.
Explain how you reach out to playlist curators on Spotify.
I look them up on a google search and find their email address. I email them a link to my song with a kind and short email and hope for a reply! You can’t be shaken up by rejections or lack of answers through email, you have to just keep going. Like I said before, it only takes one person to make something happen! One of the playlists I was added to was HUGE and got me 1000 streams in a day.
So you just never know what could happen!
What kinds of marketing do you focus on for your music?
I’ve definitely focused on Spotify more these days just because I’ve wanted to try to conquer it, but it’s a lot of work!
I’m also laser-focused on marketing my songs to Music Supervisors on TV shows. I’m not as concerned about creating a following or touring. It’s not an easy pool to get into because it’s so tight-knit. It takes a ton of relationship building with Music Supervisors to break into the music licensing world. I went to 3 Music Conferences that are Music Licensing related last year and it was SO WORTH IT. I got emails STRAIGHT from the music industry professionals, got critiques from music supervisors and got to share my music with them.
I am planning on going to at least 2 Conferences again this year.
How do you successfully manage your music career, part-time work, and family?
It’s tricky but I am keen on multi-tasking and I make my windows of opportunity count! When the kids are at school and I’m not working, I am working on administrative music stuff. Monday is usually my day for housework and just bumming around and chilling out. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays are my part-time job, Fridays are for gigging or recording and Saturdays are JUST for Family. Almost every weeknight I’m home except Friday so I make that time all for family. Also, making the time that I am with my kids and family really counts. I am very aware of the need to be present with them and not thinking about my to-do list. I have to compartmentalize everything and keep lots of lists to stay organized and on track! Hahaha!
What has been the biggest challenge in your music career so far? How did you overcome it?
I think the biggest challenge has been convincing people that music isn’t just a hobby, it is my career. My family has always been ultra-supportive but you hear people say “When are you going to get a real job?” or “You can’t actually pay the bills with music can you?” It’s a hard industry to “make it” in, but I feel like I’ve made it!!! I am doing music in all aspects of my life and making a living doing so. It’s what I love to do and I don’t think a lot of people get to say that about their jobs, ya know?
What is your favorite instrument and why?
Well, I absolutely love Cello and Viola. (though I can’t play either!) They are instruments that make you FEEL something and I’ve always been super drawn to them.
How do you think indie women artists can be better supported?
That is a huge question. I think one way, that is really important to me, is to have my fellow musician friends that are male, to invite me to play shows with them and treat me like an equal as a musician.
What projects do you have planned for this year?
I am working on a “collection” of Indie/Alternative/Pop songs that will have a darker, cinematic feel. It’s going to be so epic!!!! I’m also releasing a physical copy of the 12 Songs in 12 Months Project. Plus lots of collabs!
What are your performance plans for 2020?
I have a bunch of local gigs and I have a residency where I play twice a month at a brewery called Hillenbrand Farmhaus Brewery in New Castle, California and I’m hoping to play Concerts in the Park again! We’ll see!!
Thank you, Heather, for the opportunity to interview you!
Thank you! And Thank you for what you do to highlight independent women in the music industry!!!
Heather Evan’s latest single, “No Place Like Home,” is available to stream on Spotify and to buy on Apple Music
Follow Heather on Spotify, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Official Music Video – SECRETS