With “Love on Mars” Binx knocks it out of the stratosphere.
Patrick O’Heffernan
Binx has taken the next step into the solar system after the stratosphere-penetrating “Space DJ” with her newest song, “Love on Mars”. Actually, it’s a very big step – as any trip from the edge of the atmosphere to the Red Planet would be. “Love on Mars”, at its lyrical core is about falling in love – with yourself first and then with your soulmate. No surprise there for a too-busy-for-love woman who has been evolving and defining herself since she left small-town South Africa, survived the club scene in New York and is now relaxing into herself and thriving as a songwriter, performer and web personality in LA, the world’s most competitive music market. But the music of “Love on Mars” moves beyond its lyrical orbit into a very sophisticated and addictive solar system – several parsecs beyond “Space DJ” and her earlier releases “Headlights” and “Radiohead”, which were themselves addictive and enjoyable.
“Love on Mars”, feels and sounds like a BIG HIT. Its hooks are subtly addictive, its choruses are designed to be sung by audiences, its arrangement is perfectly radio-ready-commercial while its feel is galactic – not an easy trick to pull off. And it continues her tradition of unique, quirky standout concepts, ensuring that her songs have staying power. “Love on Mars” definitely has enough staying power to get us to the Third Planet and back again, singing the whole way.
But then saying power is built into Binx. A pop singer/model/visual artist/web personality who began songwriting as a child and immigrated from South Africa to London and then on to New York, she has turned her talent into top-of-playlist songs. Tall, blond, lean and fearless, she developed the stage personality “African Bee”, using her knack for visual and costume design, her conceptual playground of a mind, her innate sweetness, and her formidable music talent to build a pop music career that has been on a rocket ride since she hit LA. “Love on Mars” will be featured on an album due for release Oct. 28 in LA and there are rumors that she plans to release a song a week until then- like I said, a hardworking girl with galactic talent. No need to go to Mars to fall in love with her – just stream her on Spotify or iTunes or follow her on social media.